Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (8): 921-928.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2023.08.004
• Special Planning-Mental Health Promotion for Nurses • Previous Articles Next Articles
YAO Xin(), WEN Siqi, SHEN Yuanyuan, SONG Ziling, CHEN Yanyan, ZHANG Peihua, HUANG Xiaoqiong(
HUANG Xiaoqiong
姚鑫(), 文司棋, 沈媛媛, 宋梓菱, 陈燕燕, 张佩华, 黄小琼(
YAO Xin, WEN Siqi, SHEN Yuanyuan, SONG Ziling, CHEN Yanyan, ZHANG Peihua, HUANG Xiaoqiong. Current status and latent profile analysis of nurses’ organizational silence[J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2023, 58(8): 921-928.
姚鑫, 文司棋, 沈媛媛, 宋梓菱, 陈燕燕, 张佩华, 黄小琼. 护士组织沉默现状及潜在剖面分析[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2023, 58(8): 921-928.
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