Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 64-66.

• Specialist Practice and Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Perioperative nursing care of 20 children undergoing Descemefs stripping with automated endothelium keratoplasty


  • Online:2019-01-15 Published:2019-01-15


常雪 李桂芳 刘君 胡晋平 刘征   

  1. 北京大学第三医院眼科

Abstract: Descemet’s stripping with automated endothelium keratoplasty is a new surgical method,which is mainly used to treat various serious corneal endothelium lesions. This paper summarized the nursing experience of 20 children with Descemet’s stripping with automated endothelium keratoplasty. Key points of nursing included:using psychological nursing methods appropriate for children, implementation of preoperative fasting, ensuring face-up position 4h after operation through the cooperation of nurses and family members, conscientiously observation of condition, medication, postoperative diet and safety nursing. After nursing care, the children were successfully discharged.

Key words: Descemet’s Stripping with Automated Endothelium Keratoplasty, Corneal Diseases, Eye, Child, Perioperative Nursing

摘要: 自动角膜刀剥离后弹力层角膜内皮移植术是近年开展的较为先进的手术方法,主要用来治疗各种严重的角膜内皮病变。该文总结了20例行自动角膜刀剥离后弹力层角膜内皮移植术患儿的护理体会,护理要点包括:采用患儿易接受的心理护理方法,落实术前禁食禁水管理,护患配合保证术后4h面向上体位,并认真做好病情观察、用药护理、术后饮食及安全护理。经过精心护理,患儿均顺利手术并出院。

关键词: 自动角膜刀剥离后弹力层角膜内皮移植术, 角膜疾病, 眼, 儿童, 围手术期护理