中华护理杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 88-90.

• 护理管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 四川省精神卫生中心/绵阳市第三人民医院心身疾病科
  • 出版日期:2019-01-15 发布日期:2019-01-15

The establishment and practice of full-time psychological nurses

  • Online:2019-01-15 Published:2019-01-15

摘要: 为提供更好的住院患者心理健康服务,我院于2015年5月设立了心理护士岗位,制订心理护士工作指南,明确心理护士的管理考核制度和临床实践标准。2015年8月1日一2017年12月31日,心理护士对试点科室9734例住院患者进行心理评估和筛查,开展心理健康教育8931例次,开展个体心理服务2874例次,转介有严重心理问题的患者1129例次,转诊145例次,团体心理治疗患者1384例次,参与公共卫生突发事件及灾难事件的心理救援612例次,接听心理热线电话56例次,心理护理门诊接诊患者645例次。心理护士试点科室平均服务满意度为98.36%,高于其他科室(96.64%),差异有统计学意义(x2=8.232,P=0.004),心理护士岗位的设立对住院患者的心理健康管理起到积极作用。

关键词: 心理健康, 心理护士, 心理护理, 心理干预

Abstract: In order to provide better mental health services to hospitalized patients,our hospital set up a post of full-time psychological nurses in May 2015. Through formulating the work guide for psychological nurses,the management assessment system and clinical practice standards of full-time psychological nurses were clarified. From August 1st,2015,to December 31st,2017,psychological nurses conducted psychological assessment and screening on a total of 9734 hospitalized patients in the pilot departments,carried out 8931 cases of mental health education for patients and 2874 cases of individual psychological services, 1129 cases with serious psychological problems were referred,and 145 cases received referrals,1384 patients received group psychotherapy,and 612 cases of psychological rescue in public health emergencies and disaster events, responded to psychological hotline 56 times, accepted 645 patients in psychological nursing outpatient clinic. The average service satisfaction of psychological nurses in the pilot departments was 98.36%,which was higher than other departments(96.64%). The difference was statistically significant x2=8.232,P=0.004). The establishment and management of the post of full-time psychological nurse play a positive role in the mental health management of hospitalized patients.

Key words: Psychological Health, Psychological Nurse, Psychological Nursing, Psychological Intervention