Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2022, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (6): 666-672.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2022.06.004
• Special Planning—Nursing Care in Organ Transplantation • Previous Articles Next Articles
LU Fangyan(), DONG Li, LIU Yuan, WANG Yan, DAI Yanhong, LÜ Feicui, WANG Huafen(
WANG Huafen
卢芳燕(), 董丽, 刘元, 王燕, 戴燕红, 吕斐翠, 王华芬(
LU Fangyan, DONG Li, LIU Yuan, WANG Yan, DAI Yanhong, LÜ Feicui, WANG Huafen. Establishment of quality evaluation indicator system for perioperative nursing in pediatric liver transplantation[J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2022, 57(6): 666-672.
卢芳燕, 董丽, 刘元, 王燕, 戴燕红, 吕斐翠, 王华芬. 儿童肝移植围手术期护理质量评价指标体系的构建[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2022, 57(6): 666-672.
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