中华护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (19): 2339-2344.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2023.019.005

• 老年护理专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘丽(), 张帅, 胡秀英()   

  1. 610041 成都市 四川大学华西医院护理创新研究中心/护理学四川省重点实验室
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-29 出版日期:2023-10-10 发布日期:2023-10-12
  • 通讯作者: 胡秀英,E-mail:huxiuying@scu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:刘丽:女,硕士,护师,E-mail:liuli837@wchscu.cn
  • 基金资助:

A survey and analysis on current status of the need and service for geriatric nursing in Sichuan Province

LIU Li(), ZHANG Shuai, HU Xiuying()   

  • Received:2023-01-29 Online:2023-10-10 Published:2023-10-12


目的 分析四川省老年人护理需求及护理服务现状,为完善和规范老年护理需求评估及服务工作提供参考。方法 采用四川省卫生健康委员会的老年护理需求评估数据,以65岁及以上老年人为调查对象,对老年人能力分级、老年综合征罹患项数、护理需求等级、是否提供护理服务、护理服务项目等进行描述分析。结果 共纳入1 272 896名老年人,其中护理需求等级0级共962 607名,占75.62%;共有310 289名老年人有不同程度的护理需求,护理人员提供护理服务的老年人共129 097名,占41.6%,四类护理服务项目中,提供服务占比最高的分别为安全防护及指导、健康教育、心理沟通与疏导、中医饮食护理。结论 社区老年人能力以完好为主,老年综合征罹患项数以0~2项居多,有护理需求的老年人护理服务供给严重不足,老年护理服务供给有待规范与完善。

关键词: 老年人, 护理需求评估, 老年人能力评估, 老年人保健服务, 卫生服务研究


Objective To analyze the current situation of nursing needs and services for the aged in Sichuan province,so as to provide references for improving and standardizing nursing needs assessment and services for the aged. Methods The data of geriatric nursing needs assessment carried out by Sichuan Provincial Health Commission were used. The elderly aged 65 years and over were selected as the research subjects. The ability classification of the elderly,the number of geriatric syndromes,the level of nursing needs,whether to provide nursing services,and the items of nursing services were included in the descriptive analysis. Results A total of 1 272 896 elderly people were enrolled,of which 962 607(75.62%) were in 0 grade(good ability). The number of cases of geriatric syndromes were 0-2,which accounted for the majority. A total of 310 289 elderly people had different degrees of nursing needs,and 129 097 elderly people were provided with nursing services by nursing staff,accounting for 41.6%. The highest proportion of the 4 types of nursing services were safety protection and guidance,health education,psychological communication and counseling,and traditional Chinese medicine diet care. Conclusion The nursing needs level of the elderly in the community is mainly intact,and the number of geriatric syndrome projects is mostly 0~2. The supply of nursing services for the elderly with nursing needs is seriously insufficient,and the supply of nursing services for the elderly needs to be standardized and improved.

Key words: Aged, Nursing Needs Assessment, Assessment of Older Adult Abilities, Health Services for the Aged, Health Services Research