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Construction of clinical audits and analysis of obstacles for evidence-based physical restraint in ICU patients
Rui CAO,Fen HU,Xiaoping ZHU,Yinghui JIN,Ling WANG,Xiaolin CHENG,Lan DENG,Xinbo DING,Zheng CAO,Jing MA,Meng XIAO
Chinese Journal of Nursing    2019, 54 (4): 485-489.   DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2019.04.001
Abstract1281)   HTML1)    PDF (991KB)(25)       Save

Objective To implement evidence-based nursing practice for standardized physical restraint in adult ICU patients,to construct clinical audits,so as to analyze obstacles and facilitators during implementation. Methods The study was based on Johns Hopkins evidence-based health care model. A team was formed to summarize best practice evidence and to construct audits,and then to perform clinical audits. The team also analyzed the obstacles and facilitators and formulated strategies.Results Totally 23 items were included and 12 clinical audits were constructed. The obstacles mainly included lack of system-level instruments and practice-level insufficient knowledge,attitude,and behavior among nurses. Conclusion The study was based on evidence and combined with judgements from professionals. The clinical audits were scientific,practical,and applicable,which can provide basis for evidence-based practice.

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