Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (11): 1688-1692.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2019.11.018

• Nursing Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design and application of informationalized nursing dashboard in general wards

LU Yao,SHI Tingqi(),CHENG Jianping,SUN Yujiao,WANG Juan,LIU Jingjing   

  • Received:2018-12-26 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-22
  • Contact: Tingqi SHI



  1. 210008 南京市 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院普外科(陆瑶),护理部(史婷奇),消化内镜中心(程建平),内分泌科(孙玉娇),肿瘤科(汪娟),骨科(刘晶晶)
  • 通讯作者: 史婷奇
  • 作者简介:陆瑶:女,本科,主管护师,
  • 基金资助:


Objective To design and develop a two-dimensional informationalized nursing dashboard for clinical nurses’ decision-making in general wards,so as to solve the manual identification of patients’ important information and cross-space communication,providing nurses with accurate and intuitive information display and communication channels.Methods The information items of the two-dimensional informationalized nursing dashboard were confirmed by current situation investigation,literature search and expert meeting. Data were automatically acquired from the hospital information platform,and then were analyzed,classified and presented. After used by nurses in general wards in our hospital for half a year,its effects were evaluated using interview method.Results The nursing informationalized dashboard extracted key information from two dimensions(whole wards and single patient),including 62 items in four categories,namely 15 items of patient data,37 items of nursing evaluation,9 items of nursing tasks,and 1 item of remark information. It realized the direct reading and real-time updating of data,improved working efficiency of nurses and brought positive psychological feelings to nurses.Conclusion The two-dimensional informationalized nursing dashboard can realize automatic information transmission,resource sharing and change the inherent clinical nursing working mode,which is practical and innovative.

Key words: Two-Dimensional, Nursing Informatics, Informationalized Dashboard, Nursing Administration Research, General Wards


目的 研发供普通病区临床护士使用的双维度护理信息化看板,解决手工标识患者重要信息不便和跨空间沟通问题,为护士提供准确、直观的信息显示方式和沟通渠道。方法 采用现状调查法、文献查询法、专家会议法对双维度护理信息化看板进行信息项确认,从医院信息平台自动获取数据并进行解析、分类、呈现,在全院普通病区应用看板,通过访谈护士,评价看板应用效果。结果 护理信息化看板从双维度(全病区和单患者)抽取关键信息,共4大类62项,即患者资料15项、护理评估37项、护理任务9项、备注信息1项,实现了数据的直接读取和实时更新,提高了护士的工作效率,给护理人员带来正性心理感受。结论 双维度护理信息化看板实现信息传递自动化和资源共享,改变固有的临床护理工作模式,具有实用性和创新性。

关键词: 双维度, 护理信息学, 信息化看板, 护理管理研究, 普通病区