中华护理杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (8): 1001-1004.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2023.08.016
OU Mengxian(), WANG Jun(
), JI Yuanyuan, ZHAO Pengpeng
欧梦仙, 王军, 纪媛媛, 赵朋朋. 安全-支持-合作过渡期护理模式在ICU中的应用进展[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2023, 58(8): 1001-1004.
OU Mengxian, WANG Jun, JI Yuanyuan, ZHAO Pengpeng. Development of secure,encourage and collaboration transitional nursing model and its application in ICU nursing field[J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2023, 58(8): 1001-1004.
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