中华护理杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 654-661.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2024.06.002

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沐婷玉(), 许日祥, 朱倩寅, 陈灵杉, 黄君萍, 李志敏, 沈翠珍()   

  1. 230601 合肥市 安徽医科大学护理学院(沐婷玉);浙江中医药大学人文与管理学院(许日祥),护理学院(朱倩寅,陈灵杉),医学技术与信息工程学院(李志敏),教师教学发展中心(沈翠珍);杭州市上城区清波街道社区卫生服务中心(黄君萍)
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-23 出版日期:2024-03-20 发布日期:2024-03-08
  • 通讯作者: 沈翠珍,E-mail:shencuizhen@163.com
  • 作者简介:沐婷玉:女,博士,助教,E-mail:mutingyu1993@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Construction and preliminary application of a lifestyle decision support system for population with high-normal blood pressure

MU Tingyu(), XU Rixiang, ZHU Qianyin, CHEN Lingshan, HUANG Junping, LI Zhimin, SHEN Cuizhen()   

  1. School of Nursing,Anhui Medical University,Hefei,230601,China
  • Received:2023-08-23 Online:2024-03-20 Published:2024-03-08


目的 构建正常高值血压人群生活方式决策支持系统,并进行初步应用,评价其在正常高值血压人群生活方式管理中的可用性和效果。方法 成立系统构建小组,以循证方法为基础,构建正常高值血压人群生活方式决策支持系统,该系统由移动端应用程序和桌面端管理系统2个部分组成,移动端应用程序包括健康测评、决策结果(数据总览、中医保健、营养食谱、元气运动、心灵空间)和数据记录,桌面端管理系统包括用户管理与数据补录、决策管理和数据分析。2022年9月19日—11月14日,在杭州市某社区卫生服务中心招募20例正常高值血压人群进行系统的初步应用。结果 共15例正常高值血压人群使用生活方式决策支持系统,使用后,其收缩压、每周中度体力锻炼时间、压力、焦虑、抑郁、健康自我管理能力、有无嗜盐行为与使用前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);大部分正常高值血压人群(14例)和社区医护人员(5名)认为生活方式决策支持系统的可用性达到“好”的水平。结论 生活方式决策支持系统具有一定科学性和可用性,可为正常高值血压人群提供专业的生活方式指导,辅助改善正常高值血压人群的不良生活方式,为正常高值血压人群和社区医护人员提供辅助决策。

关键词: 正常高值血压, 生活方式, 健康管理, 决策支持系统, 护理


Objective To construct a lifestyle decision support system for people with high normal blood pressure,and assess its effectiveness and usability in lifestyle management for people with high normal blood pressure. Methods A system development team was established to build an evidence-based lifestyle decision support system for people with high normal blood pressure. The system consists of a mobile application and a desktop management system. The mobile application includes the health assessment,decision results(including data overview/traditional Chinese medicine health care/nutritional recipes/energizing exercises/spiritual space),and data recording. The desktop management system includes user management and data supplementation,decision management,and data analysis. 20 patients with high normal blood pressure were recruited from September 19, 2022 to November 14,2022 at the Hangzhou Community Health Service Center for the initial application of the system. Results After using lifestyle decision support system,the population with high-normal blood pressure revealed statistically significant differences(P<0.05) in systolic blood pressure,moderate physical activity time per week,stress,anxiety,depression,self-management ability,and halophilic behavior. The majority of the high-normal blood pressure population(14 cases) and community healthcare workers(5 cases) rated the usability of lifestyle decision support system as Good. Conclusion The lifestyle decision support system constructed in this study is scientific and feasible,and can provide professional lifestyle guidance for individuals with high-normal blood pressure. The lifestyle decision support system plays a positive role in improving the unhealthy lifestyle of people with high-normal blood pressure,and provides an auxiliary decision-making system for people with high-normal blood pressure and community healthcare workers.

Key words: High-Normal Blood Pressure, Lifestyle, Health Management, Decision Support System, Nursing Care