Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 1777-1781.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2019.12.003

• Special Planning-Hospice Care • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The practice of Heart to Heart Café in death education of oncology nurses

CHENG Xiuli,CHENG Fang   

  1. The 4th Department of Thoracic Oncology,Cancer Center,Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,430022,China
  • Received:2019-04-30 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-15



  1. 430022 武汉市华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院胸部肿瘤科四病区
  • 作者简介:程秀丽:女,本科,护师,


Objective To explore the effects of Heart to Heart Café for death education among 77 oncology nurses. Methods Heart to Heart cards designed by the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care,were used to complete Heart to Heart Café activity under the guidance of 2-3 facilitators among 77 oncology nurses. Heart to Heart Café participants evaluation form was used to evaluate the effects. Results Totally 231 Heart to Heart cards were selected from 77 oncology nurses:68 cards for social concerns(29.4%),66 for physical concerns(28.6%),49 for financial concerns(21.2%),43 for spiritual concerns(18.6%),and 5 for special wishes(2.2%). Among investigated nurses,98.7% believed that Heart to Heart Café was meaningful and worth promoting,and they had a positive attitude towards medical desire. Sixty-three oncology nurses(81.8%) stated that Heart to Heart Café activity had surprising effects:open their mind,release their emotions,confide in each other,and talk about death openly. Sixty-nine(89.6%) believed that Heart to Heart Café helped them to think about death,face death,understand their inner thoughts and live in the moment. Conclusion Heart to Heart Café is an effective way to promote death education for oncology nurses.

Key words: Neoplasms, Nurses, Heart to Heart Café, Heart to Heart Cards, Death Education


目的 通过对77名研究对象进行安心茶话屋活动来评价对肿瘤科护士进行死亡教育的现实意义。方法 本研究对77名研究对象使用美华慈心关怀联盟发行的安心卡,在2~3名引导人的引导下完成安心茶话屋活动,通过安心茶话屋参与者评价表,评价安心茶话屋活动在肿瘤科护士进行死亡教育中的意义。结果 77名研究对象最终选中的231张安心卡中:人际需求68张(29.4%),身体需求66张(28.6%),财务需求49张(21.2%),心灵需求43张(18.6%),特别愿望5张(2.2%)。98.7%的研究对象认为安心茶话屋活动有意义并值得推广,且对医疗意愿持积极态度。63名(81.8%)研究对象认为安心茶话屋活动让自己敞开心扉,释放情绪,吐露心声,坦然谈论死亡。69名(89.6%)研究对象认为安心茶话屋帮助自己思考死亡,面对死亡,了解内心想法,活在当下。结论 安心茶话屋活动能够促进护士思考死亡,是一种有效的死亡教育方式。

关键词: 肿瘤, 护士, 安心茶话屋, 安心卡, 死亡教育