中华护理杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (10): 1277-1281.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2024.10.018
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SHI Yuxin(), FU Qiang, WANG Huan, ZHAO Lin, WU Rong()
史宇欣, 付强, 王欢, 赵琳, 吴荣. 左心室辅助装置植入患者术后自我照护的研究进展[J]. 中华护理杂志, 2024, 59(10): 1277-1281.
SHI Yuxin, FU Qiang, WANG Huan, ZHAO Lin, WU Rong. Research progress on self-care of patients with left ventricular assist devices[J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 2024, 59(10): 1277-1281.
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