Chinese Journal of Nursing ›› 2016, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 113-116.DOI: 10.3761/j.issn.0254-1769.2016.01.024

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Crisis intervention for a breast cancer patient with amputation after chemotherapy


  • Online:2016-01-05 Published:2016-01-05



Abstract: It reports a process of crisis intervention for a breast cancer patient with amputation after conservative radical mastectomy and chemotherapy,suffering from psychological crisis and suicide ideas. According tocrisis intervention model presented by Gilliland & James,through 6 steps of problem identification,ensuring safety,giving psychological support,proposing and validating the alternative coping style,working out the plan,and obtaining commitments from the patient,the Mental Health Liaison Nurse implemented 13 crisis interventions during 12 months with a satisfied result. The patient received the operation of amputation and recovered from the crisis event.

Key words: Crisis Intervention; Amputees; Stress Disorders, post-Truumatic

摘要: 报告对1例接受左乳腺癌保乳根治术和化疗后合并手足坏疽致截肢而引发心理危机和自杀意念的患者实施危机干预的过程。 根据危机干预6步法:确定问题、保证安全、提供心理支持、提出并验证变通的应对方式、制订计划并承诺实施,在住院、转院到出院期间的12个月内共实施了13次危机干预,取得了良好的干预效果。 患者最终完成截肢手术,度过心理危机,获得成长,重新适应生活。

关键词: 危机干预; 截肢者; 应激障碍, 创伤后